Through Searchspring, shoppers can use site search to find relevant product results. There are times, however, that you may not want a specific search query to generate results. You may want that shopper to be sent elsewhere. For this, you can utilize the Redirects page in the Management Console.
People are getting confused by your site's search bar. Instead of using it to search for products, they are using it to look for other pages like "Contact" and "About Us". When these queries are typed in, they produce no results. In order to give customers the best user experience possible on your site, you set up two redirects:
- "Contact" redirects to http://searchspring.com/contact-us.
- "About" redirects to http://searchspring.com/our-story.
You also noticed that a lot of people are searching for "shirts", but don't end up on your specific "Shirts" category page. Another redirect is set up to send customers to "http://searchspring.com/shirts" instead of the search page.
Add New Redirects
New redirects may be added by clicking on the Add New Redirects button. A window will popup where you can enter a "Query" and a "URL" (where you want the customer to be sent). After entering a word and URL, click the "Save changes" button in the bottom right corner.
When there is more than one redirect on the same term (to different URLs), the one created first will take effect.
The Search column contains all the queries you have created redirects for. Multiple keywords can redirect to the same URL by separating the keywords by commas.
The URL column shows where you want your shoppers to be relocated.
You may use relative URLs here (such as "/returns")
Click the pencil icon under the Edit column to edit an existing redirect.
Once done editing within the table, click "Save" in the Edit column.
Redirects may be removed by checking the Delete box and then clicking the "Delete Checked" button on the left side.
Redirects are applied immediately. They do not require the data feed to be re-indexed.
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