The Zero Results report provides a comprehensive view of the searches in which no products are found when someone searches for something in your store. Using this report can give you insight into what people want that you don't have; it can pinpoint common spelling mistakes and guide you to create synonyms to improve search results.
Note: This report has been updated. The upgrade provides enhanced functionality along with the data users are already familiar with from the original iteration in the Searchspring Management Console (SMC).
Note: For performance purposes, this report is limited to the top 10,000 groups of queries (10,000 rows in the table)
Report Tools
The report has various tools that allow you to easily navigate its data. The kebab menu (three dots) is available at the top of the report and also within the main graph/chart for this report.
- Download: Click the kabob menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Download" to save a PDF of this report.
The PDF report will include all visualizations and tables from the report:
- Present: Click the kabob menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Present" to display this report to others. Click the forward and back arrows at the top right of the presented page to navigate to other pages (views) in the report.
- Schedule: Click the kabob menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Schedule" to set up a schedule for exporting this report.
- Manage schedules: Click the kabob menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Manage schedule" to edit the schedule for exporting this report.
Filtering report data
To filter the report by a particular value, right-click the value in any visualization or table and choose "Filter". This will update the report to reflect only data for the selected value.
To remove the filter applied to the report, click the "Clear All" button at the top of the page. This will reset the report to its initial state.
Date Selection
The date selector at the top right of the page is used to change the range of dates for which you would like to view details of this report. This reporting can be viewed up to two years back from the current date. By default, the selection is set to the last 7 days.
Search function
You can filter the report to include or exclude certain terms by clicking the "Search (Select)" button at the top left of the page. Click "Include" or "Exclude" at the top of the form to include or exclude selected terms. Use the Search box to find selected terms, then click "Apply" to apply your filters. To remove filters, click "Search (Select)" and un-check the search terms to remove from the filters.
Click "Add values in bulk" to include or exclude multiple terms. Use commas or semicolons to separate multiple values, or enter each value on a separate line. Use the backslash \ before the comma or semicolon to include that comma or semicolon in the value. For example, if the value is "satin top, green", type "satin top\, green".
This is how the text would appear for two values (one item called "satin top", another item called "green"):
satin top, green
This is how the text would appear for a single value:
satin top\, green
Once all values are entered, click "Add values" to confirm:
This chart shows how many total zero-result searches were performed each day in the selected date range. With careful fine-tuning of your store's data, creating synonyms, and using merchandising campaigns, these numbers should shrink over time.
Chart Options
Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top of the main graph/chart for this report.
Select "Download" to choose between an .xlsx or .csv export, or choose "Present" to share your screen:
Total Searches
This visualization shows the total number of zero-result searches during the selected date range.
Average Searches / Day
This visualization shows the average number of zero-result searches per day during the selected date range.
Breakdown Table
Details of the zero results searches are shown in the breakdown table.
Search Query
The Search Query shows which search query returned zero product results.
Background Filters
If your site has any custom Front-end Background Filters configured, you'll see which filters may have applied and/or had a potential role in causing zero results to appear for that search query.
Total Searches
The total number of searches for that specific term over the selected date range. The more commonly occurring terms should have more attention paid to them.
This column allows you to create a redirect action for the selected search term. If a redirect already exists for this query, there will be a link saying "edit redirect". If there is no existing redirect, there will be a link saying "create redirect". Visit the Redirects article to learn more about managing these.
The final column of the table will show what Synonym action you can take for this query. If a synonym already exists for this query, there will be a link saying "edit synonym". If there is no existing synonym, there will be a link saying "create synonym". Visit the Synonyms article to learn more about managing these.
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