This report shows how many searches occur in your store, and it breaks down how popular each query is. This report is a valuable way to see what your shoppers are looking for, with a convenient link to merchandise each term.
The Searches report includes two new metrics that inform merchants of what is happening with their search activity:
- Searches with filters
- Searches with sorts
Note: Visualizations (widgets) are sorted in descending order.
Report Tools
The report has various tools that allow you to easily navigate its data. The kebab menu (three dots) is available at the top of the report and also within the main graph/chart for this report.
- Download: Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Download" to save a PDF of this report. The PDF report will include all visualizations and tables from the report.
- Present: Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Present" to display this report to others. Click the forward and back arrows at the top right of the presented page to navigate to other pages (views) in the report.
- Schedule: Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Schedule" to set up a schedule for exporting this report.
- Manage schedules: Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Manage schedule" to edit the schedule for exporting this report.
Filtering report data
To filter the report by a particular value, right-click the value in any visualization or table and choose "Filter". This will update the report to reflect only data for the selected value.
To remove the filter applied to the report, click the "Clear All" button at the top of the page. This will reset the report to its initial state.
Date Selection
The date selector at the top right of the page is used to change the range of dates for which you would like to view details of this report. This reporting can be viewed up to two years back from the current date. By default, the selection is set to the last 7 days.
Search function
You may filter the existing report by keying in a search term here. This will update all information displayed on this page to filter it specifically by the term entered. To remove the filter, click in the search box and click the (x) to uncheck the selected keyword.
Most recent searches
This visualization displays the top 10 search queries by date. Scroll down to see all 10 queries.
Popular searches
This visualization displays 10 of the most searched search queries (by query count). This visualization shows the top 10 popular searches shoppers made on the site. Drill down on an individual value with a right-click. The system will display only data that is related to the selected value.
Searches with the most refinements
This visualization displays the top 10 queries that have had additional action of filtering or sorting to further narrow down results. "Refinement" actions in this context refer to the use of filters (facets) and sorts — not additional searches. An additional search counts as a search. Drill down on an individual value with a right-click. The system will display only data that is related to the selected value. Each bar represents the total number of queries for the day.
Note: The refinement does not include background filters; it includes standard filters only.
Search refinements (sorts) = This value represents the total number of sorts done on a query.
Search refinements (filters) = This value represents the total number of filters added to a query (this does not include background filters).
After seeing these refinements, there are two actions the merchant may wish to take:
- Update their website if certain terms are more used/searched
- Customize the order in which filters appear on their website
Total unique searches
This value shows the total number of unique search queries for the entire duration of your selected date range.
Average unique searches
This value shows the average number of unique search queries per day for the duration of your selected date range.
Note: For performance reasons, the Search report is limited to the top 10,000 groups of queries (10,000 rows in the table)
The chart shows you how many unique search queries were performed each day in the selected date range. This chart is helpful in measuring the variance of what people are searching for each day. The greater the number, the more varied the terms that people are searching for.
The chart offers two tools to easily utilize the data:
- Download: Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Download" to save a PDF of this report.
- Present: Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Present" to display this report to others.
Chart Options
Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top of the main graph/chart for this report.
Select "Download" to choose between an .xlsx or .csv export, or choose "Present" to share your screen:
Total Unique Searches
This number shows the total number of unique search queries for the entire duration of the selected date range.
Average Unique Searches / Day
This number shows the average number of unique search queries per day for the duration of the selected date range.
Search Summary
If you have a query replacement set up for a term, it will show what the shopper originally typed, not what the search was changed to.
Search Query (similar queries combined)
This represents the unique search query value entered by a shopper on the merchant's website (the query is captured after the term is keyed in and the user clicks <Enter>). Similar search queries are grouped together to help better identify trends in what people are searching for.
Query Count
This represents the total number of searches for that specific query over the selected date range. The more commonly occurring terms should have more attention paid to them.
Searches with Filters (%)
This column displays the percentage of searches that incorporated filters during the selected date range.
Searches with Sorts (%)
This column displays the percentage of searches that incorporated sorts during the selected date range.
This column provides a helpful link, "merchandise", which allows you to go directly to a merchandising campaign for this search query. If a campaign already exists, the link will take you to the existing campaign. If no campaign exists, the link will automatically create a new campaign for you based on the term.
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