Spell Correction helps your customers while they are searching within your store. This report shows you the most common spelling errors, in general and also in different groups such as device type and over time. This report also provides the percentage of searches with spelling errors.
The device breakdown visualization has been updated; users may click a selected device type to see the report filtered specifically for that type of device. The revised data will be shown in the “Summary” section below.
Note: Visualizations (widgets) are sorted in descending order.
Report Tools
The report has various tools that allow you to easily navigate its data. The kebab menu (three dots) is available at the top of the report and also within the main graph/chart for this report.
- Download: Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Download" to save a PDF of this report. The PDF report will include all visualizations and tables from the report.
- Present: Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Present" to display this report to others. Click the forward and back arrows at the top right of the presented page to navigate to other pages (views) in the report.
- Schedule: Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Schedule" to set up a schedule for exporting this report.
- Manage schedules: Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right and select "Manage schedule" to edit the schedule for exporting this report.
Filtering report data
To filter the report by a particular value, right-click the value in any visualization or table and choose "Filter". This will update the report to reflect only data for the selected value.
To remove the filter applied to the report, click the "Clear All" button at the top of the page. This will reset the report to its initial state.
Date selection
Use the date selector at the top left of the page to change the range of dates for which you would like to view details of this report. This reporting can be viewed back to as early as October 16th, 2019.
You may filter the date range for any of the parameters, for a rolling number of days/weeks/minutes, etc., or for fixed date range, as shown below for the Rolling Date option:
And for the Fixed Date option, shown here:
These are the options for the Fixed Date range:
Search function
You may filter the existing report by keying in a search term here. This will update all information displayed on this page to filter it specifically by the term entered. To remove the filter, click in the search box and click the (x) to uncheck the selected keyword.
Total Corrections
This visualization shows the total number of times that Searchspring corrected a misspelling during the selected date range.
Unique Corrections
This visualization shows the number of unique individual queries that were corrected during the selected date range.
(%) Searches with spelling errors
This visualization shows the proportion of user searches that contain spelling errors during the selected date range. This metric displays the frequency of shopper errors and can be critical for improving search functionality, determining which synonyms to add, and improving the accuracy of search results.
Device Breakdown
This visualization shows the number of times a misspelling was corrected on different devices during the selected date range.
To view a specific device type breakdown, click a device type on the pie chart. The system will display details for the selected device type.
Number of Corrections
This section provides the total number of corrections made during the selected date range.
Chart Options
Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top of the main graph/chart for this report.
Select "Download" to choose between an .xlsx or .csv export, or choose "Present" to share your screen:
Summary of Corrections
This section provides a detailed breakdown of each correction made during the selected date range.
To filter by one of the values, right-click the desired correction and select "Filter" to filter by that value.
The report will update to reflect that filter.
Click the "Clear All" button at the top of the page to remove the filter from the report.
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