The IntelliSuggest Events report shows how many key interactions shoppers have had in your store, effectively giving you an overview of your site's conversion funnel on a day-to-day basis. This report breaks down the number of search clicks, product views, cart views, and sales on your site.
Searchspring uses IntelliSuggest tracking data to power IntelliSuggest elevations as well as several powerful insights features. Use this report to view high-level traffic and behavioral trends across your entire site.
By default, search click tracking is installed on your site during your initial site setup integration with Searchspring. The other three tracked metrics (Product Views, Cart Views, and Sales) must be installed separately to enable more powerful Searchspring features.
If you see "0" on the report's visualizations, your tracking is most likely not in place yet. In that case, if tracking is not yet enabled for product & cart views and sales, clicking the kebab menu (three dots) on any of these visualizations and selecting "Enable Tracking" will open documentation about this tracking here for Shopify and here for other platforms.
Date Range
Use the date selection tool at the top left to change the range of dates for which you'd like to view details of this report. This reporting can be viewed up to two years back from the current date.
Report Options
Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top right of the report to see options. You can download a PDF of this report, present it in a meeting, schedule the report to be sent, or manage existing schedules for this report.
The chart gives an overview of how many of each metric was logged each day within your selected date range. Click any of the types of views (listed across the top) to exclude that type from the chart. In the example below, "Product Views" has been excluded. Simply click the "Product Views" type again to re-enable its numbers on the chart.
Click the kebab menu (three dots) at the top of the main graph/chart for this report.
Choose "Present" to share your screen, or select "Download" to choose between an .xlsx or .csv export:
Product Views
This visualization shows the total number of times a product page on your site was viewed within your selected date range. This includes all of a product's views from any source: Searchspring-powered listing clicks, direct links from social media, search engines, and other hard links on your website.
Cart Views
This visualization shows the total number of times a cart page was viewed on your site within your selected date range.
This visualization shows the total number of completed sales on your site within your selected date range. This is tracked on the order success page of your site.
Search Result Clicks
This section provides the total number of times a product was clicked from a Searchspring-powered product listing. This differs from Product Views in that it only counts the product views originating from Searchspring-powered features.
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