The Product Detail page shows an even more advanced breakdown of an individual product’s performance.
Date Range
The date selector at the top right of the page is used to change the range of dates for which you'd like to view details of this report. This reporting can be viewed up to two years back from the current date.
Product Highlights
The highlights show which quadrant it lands in with its associated actions, the total revenue and conversion rate.
Basic Product Info
At the top right you'll see the product's name, a link to the product on your site, its SKU, and current price.
Performance Status
To the right of the basic info you'll see a summary of how this product is performing, which correlates with which quadrant it lies in from the Product Insights page.
Conversion Rate
The overall conversion rate for this product, including details on Sales/Views, can be viewed to the right
Total Revenue
At the far right is the total revenue generated by this product within the currently selected date range, including information on how many sales it was in.
Transaction Funnel
Next you’ll find the Transaction Funnel, which visualizes the rate at which shoppers click, view, add to cart, and purchase this product.
Clicks from Searchspring
External Clicks
The total number of times this product was viewed, and not as a result from being clicked in a Searchspring-powered page.
The total number of times this product was viewed during your selected date range. Requires IntelliSuggest view tracking to be installed on your site.
The number of times this product was added to someone's cart. Requires IntelliSuggest Cart tracking to be tracked on this report.
% Saved: Carts ÷ Views
Exits: Carts - Views
The total number of transactions this products was purchased in.
% Saved: Transactions ÷ Carts
Abandons: Transactions - Carts
Device Usage
Device Usage highlights how people interacted with your product on phones, tablets, and desktop computers.
Device Metric
Use the dropdown at the top of the Device Usage section to choose which metric you'd like to view a breakdown by device for - such as Views, Clicks, Carts, and more.
The Trends graph shows the performance of various metrics over time.
Trending Metric
Use the dropdown at the top of the Trends section to choose which metric you'd like to view a breakdown over time for - such as Views, Clicks, Carts, and more.
Search History
At the bottom of this page you’ll find the Search History, which shows all of the search queries that shoppers used to get to this product.
The position of the product in the list of product results from the search. "1" means it was the first product shown, "2" is the second, and so on.
Page #
Total Results
The number of times this product was clicked as a result of this query within your selected date range.
In addition, there is a Referrers table, which shows where all shoppers came from, and how often – be it Facebook, Google results, or Searchspring.
The URL that a customer came from in order to reach this product page. URLs that begin with "/" are URLs from your own site.
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