Note: This report has been updated and is now powered by ThoughtSpot. You can read about the new report here.
Spelling Correction has some great affects on helping your customers while searching on your store. This report helps you to understand what the most common spelling errors are, both in general and in different groups such as device type and over time.
Date Range
The date selector at the top right of the page is used to change the range of dates for which you'd like to view details of this report. This reporting can be viewed back to as early as October 16th, 2019.
The Highlights section at the top of the page gives you a quick, high-level view of metrics related to spell correction's performance.
Total Corrections
The total number of times that Searchspring corrected a misspelling.
Unique Corrections
The number of unique individual queries that were corrected.
Device Metrics
Device Breakdown
The amount of times a misspelling was corrected on different devices.
Top Corrections by Device
The most common misspellings that were corrected on each type of device.
Number of Corrections (Over time)
The total number of corrections made over a period of time.
A detailed breakdown of each correction made.
Filter by Device type
Use the filter buttons here to change the data in the table to only show corrections made on the specific device type selected.
What was originally typed in the search box by the shopper.
What the search was corrected it to at the time the shopper hit Enter.
The number of times this specific correction occurred during the currently selected time period.
1 comment
How do I remove a correction. I'm with a towel company, and we have one that changes tote to towel. We don't want this. We sell totes and towels. Suggestions?
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