✓ Create a rich autocomplete to display suggested terms and products as a customer types using our Suggest API.
- Follow the instructions for AutoComplete API Integrations.
- Our Suggest API leverages data we’ve gathered from your customers and product data to suggest search terms for the customer based on what they’ve currently typed in the search box.
- Once you’ve received a suggested term from our Suggest API you would then use the autocomplete endpoint in our Search API to also display products for that term to your customer.
✓ Include a summary of filters the customer has applied.
- In your results display include a list of filters that customer has currently applied to the results to allow customers to remove filters easily.
- Include a “Clear All” button as well can be helpful.
✓ If you have many different filters, allow customers to collapse and expand filters.
- Your team can configure which filters are expanded and collapsed by default on our Filter Configuration page.
- This frees up screen real estate and prevents overwhelming the customer.
✓ Include merchandising banners in results pages.
- As part of our Search API response we include HTML for banners your merchandising team has configured in Searchspring.
- These should be displayed on your results page in the position specified by the API response.
✓ Follow redirects returned by our API response.
- If a member of your merchandising team has configured a redirect for a search term the URL for the redirect will be returned in the Search API response.
- If a redirect URL is returned in the API response you should redirect the browser to that URL
✓ Do not apply any sorts to the search API request by default
- Any changes in default sorting should be done through our merchandising boosting system.
- By default our system will sort your results based on textual relevancy for search results pages and the primary sort configured in Searchspring for other pages.
✓ Show "Did You Mean" suggestions on zero results searches
- If the search response includes a didYouMean object, be sure to place a link to the suggested search query on the zero results page saying something along the lines of "Did you mean <suggestion>?"
✓ Include Searchspring Landing Page functionality
- Allow for the client to pass a "tag" parameter instead of a query to the search page to load a Searchspring Landing Page.
- The tag parameter should be passed to the Search API to return all products assigned to that landing page.
✓ Integrate Searchspring Tracking
- Searchspring needs customer tracking in place to properly learn from your customer behavior.
- Please include a user ID in your API requests to allow us to differentiate users as they search.
- Be sure to include all required tracking parameters as part of your search results.
- Integrate our IntelliSuggest Tracking.
- If doing a server side integration, you will need to pass your customer’s IP address as an HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header.
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