There are two separate integrations that are required in order for Searchspring’s Personalized Search to work, IntelliSuggest Tracking and Shopper ID. In this article, we will detail how to verify these have been integrated, and if not, how to integrate them.
IntelliSuggest Tracking
How to Verify
Verifying IntelliSuggest tracking is very easy to check.
- Log into the Searchspring Management Console
- View the IntelliSuggest Tracking Events Report
- Verify that all four event types are being tracked.
Instructions for integrating Searchspring’s IntelliSuggest tracking can be found in the Adding IntelliSuggest Tracking knowledge base article.
Shopper ID
In order to verify integration of the Shopper ID you will first need to determine how you are integrated with Searchspring.
- v3
- Snap
To check if you are integrated via v3, Snap, or API you will want to do the following:
- Open a search results page on your website.
- Open your browser developer tools.
- Select the “Network” tab.
- Refresh your page.
- Enter “searchspring.catalog” into the “Filter” or “Search” of the network tab. If you see a file there your account is integrated using v3.
- If your account is not integrated using v3, enter “snapui” into the “Filter” or “Search” of the network tab. If you see files listed as “bundle.js” listed there you are integrated using Snap.
- If your account is not v3 or Snap, your account is likely integrated directly using our API.
Verifying v3
- Log in as a customer on your website.
- Open a search results page on your website.
- View the page source of your search results page.
- Search for “searchspring.catalog” to find the Searchspring script tag.
- If you see a “” attribute on your script tag the Shopper ID tracking is integrated. If this is missing you will need to integrate Shopper ID tracking.
Verifying Snap
- Log in as a customer on your website.
- Open a search results page on your website.
- View the page source of your search results page.
- Search for “snapui” to find the Searchspring script tag.
- If you see a “shopper” variable declared in your script tag the Shopper ID tracking is integrated. If this is missing you will need to integrate Shopper ID tracking.
Verifying API
You will need to check with your development team to ensure the user ID of the customer is passed to our API using the “userId” request parameter and “searchspring-user-id” header. More information can be found in our Search API knowledge base article.
Integration instructions will also be different depending on the integration method determined above.
Integrating v3
To integrate in v3 you will need to add a “” attribute to the searchspring.catalog.js script tag containing the user/customer ID when a customer is logged in. This should not be included for non-logged in customers. This script tag can generally be found in the head or at the bottom of the body of your HTML.
<script src="//""508732"><script>
Integrating Snap
To integrate in Snap you will need to add a “shopper” variable inside of Searchspring’s bundle.js script tag when a customer is logged in. This should not be included for non-logged in customers. The value of this variable should be an object containing an “id” key that has a value equal to the ID of the current user/customer ID. This script tag can generally be found in the head or at the bottom of the body of your HTML.
shopper = {"id":"508732"};
Integrating API
You will need to ask your development team to ensure all user tracking parameters are passed as part of your Search API requests. You can find more information in our Tracking User Behavior knowledge base article.
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