Get started by checking out this video on Boosting Rules
Product Boosting Rules change the way retailers manage products on their site. Instead of telling your ecommerce software where to put items individually, merchandisers create rules based on product attributes and the system dynamically orders products. This approach is simpler, more intuitive and reduces mistakes.
See how product boosting rules interact with other product sorting influences on your site here: How Products Are Arranged
Product Boosting Rules allow you to create rules that will dynamically boost products with certain attributes to the top of your organic results set (after your explicitly promoted products). These rules will continue to stay in affect and re-order your products in real time as their information changes.
Setting up Boost Rules
Let’s say that you want this category page to feature Red products, with the highest price products showing up first. Instead of manually finding every red product and dragging them each to the top, the new Product Boosting Rules in Visual Merchandising can do it for you!
You can add up to a maximum of 20 boost rules.
1. Select a Campaign
To begin, either create a new campaign in Visual Merchandising to play around with, or go to an existing campaign.
2. Add a Rule
Open the Boost toolbox on the right.
Here you can add either a boost (a "Grouping" of products) by clicking "Add Boosting Rule", or you can sort products after groupings by clicking "Add Sub Sort".
3. Select a Field
Select any of your fields from the list (such as “price” or “color"). You can type in the “Filter” box to quickly find a field you’re looking for.
4. Select a Boosting Type
Once you've selected your field, you can choose what kind of match or behavior you'd like it to boost with. You can change whether a rule is matching a specific value ("is"), matching everything that's not a specific value ("is not"), or you can change it to a Sub-Sort ("is sorted").
Number properties also have these boost types available:
- "is more than" and "is less than" group products based on a number criteria and pushes them to the top. This can be useful if you want to promote all products that are above a certain price, below a certain number of days old, or have a performance number above a certain point.
5. Select What to Boost
- "is" or "is not": You can type in what you’d like to boost by (such as “red”) or select a known value from the dropdown. Add as many different values here as you'd like to group in this boost rule. This selector provides up to 10,000 different values from the field you've selected.
- "is sorted": You can toggle it sorting "High to Low" or "Low to High” by clicking it.
- "is more than" or "is less than": Enter the number you'd like to be the cut-off point for this product group. For example, you could boost products where Price is more than "50".
Your boost rule is set!
Here is our completed boost rule setup. The default sort option on your site is always used as the final boost tiebreaker for ordering products, so you'll notice that it shows up at the bottom of the boost lists.
A group of products that are red are being boosted to the top, and then those products are being sub-sorted by "Total Sold", High to Low. The non-red group of products will also be sub-sorted by descending "Total Sold".
See how it affects your products
After setting some boost rules, you can see the boost rules in action as shown in the "Boosts" section visible on each product. When a product no longer matches a boost rule, the colored dot by the value will be empty -- this color is the same color as the boost in the Boosts toolbox. This is helpful in identifying where each subgroup of boosts begins and ends, and why.
You can always hover over the name of a boosted field in the toolbox to see it's full label and name
6. Save the Campaign
Click the Save icon at the top of the merchandising toolbar, and click one of the Save options to save your changes.
More Complex Boosting Rule Sets
You can add more boosting rules, delete ones you’ve made, or re-order them. Remember, the top boosting rule will always be the first priority. Because of the nature of sorting, Sub Sorts always come after any Groupings.
Move or Delete Rules
You can rearrange boost rules by dragging them up or down by the handle on the left of each rule. You can also remove a boost rule by clicking the grey minus icon to the right of a rule.
Missing Fields
If you've set a boost rule in the past and the field its using (such as "promo_price") no longer exists in your products, the rule will still appear as a greyed out version that is inactive. If the data comes back later, the rule will resume being active. You can still remove and rearrange disabled rules.
Global vs. Normal Boosts
If you have boosts set up on a global campaign, then those boost rules will apply across your entire site until overridden by custom boosts on a more specific campaign.
If you haven't set custom boosts on any normal campaign, you will see this message letting you know that this page will be using the global boosts.
You can make custom boost rules for this page (overriding the global boosts) by changing any boosts in this toolbox. If you'd like it to fall back to using your global boosts again, simply click "Reset to default".
You cannot override global boost rules with nothing. If you attempt to remove all boost, you will be required to either Reset to default (using the global boosts), or add custom boost rules(s) to this campaign.
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