If you already have a pre-defined list of products you'd like to use for your product listing, you can open the Bulk Import tab in the Products toolbox and paste the list in. Alternatively, if you have a spreadsheet with a column of your products, you can highlight that column and drag it from the spreadsheet window onto this window when Bulk Import is open to automatically add that list.
Bulk Import is only available on Landing Pages and Search page context campaigns.
Products must be pasted by using the data tied to their ID or SKU field. This toolbox will tell you which field in your store's data feed is mapped to Searchspring's product identifier, such as "IDs are mapped to your 'code' field", and "SKUs are mapped to your 'cart_sku' field".The toolbox also shows a few example IDs and SKUs to give you an easier idea of what kind of data you need.
Once you've pasted in your product IDs or SKUs, you'll see a preview list of the products you're about to import. This list of pinned products will replace any currently pinned products on the campaign.
Click "Confirm" to complete your bulk import, and don't forget to Save your campaign!
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