If you would like to update information associated with your Searchspring account, this can be done by accessing the My Account page in the Management Console. This page shows an overview of your information, which you can check for accuracy or update any details as necessary.
Account Details
The top section shows a simple summary of helpful information related to this account, such as the website's name, which back end search engine it's using, and the Site ID that's used for some tracking integrations.
Plan Information
The Plan Information section contains details related to your billing plan, monthly cost, next billing date, and current billing period.
To update your billing name, credit card number, or zip code, click the Billing button to the right.
Billing History
To view your billing history, click "View Billing History" at the top right.
The Transactions chart shows a list of payments that were processed for Searchspring's services. Displayed here is the occurrence date, the payment method, the amount, any balance owed, the status of the payment, and finally, any notes.
Beneath transactions you'll find Statements. Clicking on one of the "Download" links in the bulleted list will get you a pdf of your billing statement.
Update Plan or Cancel Account
If you an account manager, you can see the Change Plan section which allows you to update the plan or cancel the account.
User Profile
Here you can view your name, email, phone number, company, address, and timezone.
To update your profile information, click the Edit Profile link at the top right.
Below this section, you can also view and change your email notification settings.
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