Note: Personalization Settings have been redesigned. What you see below is available for early access, so it may not match your current user interface.
To get support for the current personalization settings, go here.
To get access to the new settings, reach out to your customer success manager.
You can view a demo of the settings here.
Data displayed on this form is from the last update run; it may not be current, in which case you will need to run an update by clicking the blue "Update" button at the top right of the page.
Typically, recommendations are updated after your product data is indexed. If there has been an error with updating recommendations, those errors will be reflected here. After rectifying any errors, you can manually re-generate product recommendations (by clicking the "Update" button) if there is a change to your configuration settings that should be processed before your next scheduled update.
Data Science Updates
This section provides details on the data available for personalization.
Current Status = This section displays the status of updates, whether they are in progress, complete, or pending.
Last Updated = This section displays the date and time of the last update.
Note: Updates occur automatically when an index completes.
Contextual Group Stats (formerly Contextual Exclusion Stats)
Contextual Groups allow merchandisers to group products together so that they are only recommended when shoppers are viewing a product that is a member of that group. For example, you could use a contextual group to only recommend products of a given brand when viewing other products from that same brand.
Note: The rule counts are not mutually exclusive. If a single product is excluded by multiple rules, it will be reflected in each count.
The table displays the following:
- Rule = This column breaks down in more detail which groups are included.
- Product Count = This column shows the number of contextual groups.
Excluded Product Stats (formerly Global Exclusion Stats)
This table displays details of the total number of products that are excluded from recommendations. These products could be used as seed items, but they are not included in recommendations. They still have a product detail page (PDP), but they are non-purchasable. Exclusions could be listed for items that are out of stock.
Note: The rule counts are not mutually exclusive. If a single product is excluded by multiple rules, it will be reflected in each count.
The table displays the following:
- Rule = This column breaks down in more detail which rules are included.
- Product Count = This column shows the number of products excluded and also provides the percentage of excluded items among all products. In this example, it is 1%.
Inactive Product Stats (new)
Inactive Product Stats are a new addition to the personalization settings. Products added to the inactive state do not have recommendations calculated by the generator. These inactive products cannot be used as seed items. This value displays the number of inactive products that are excluded from the generator.
The table displays the following:
- Rule = This column breaks down in more detail which rules are included.
- Product Count = This column shows the number of inactive products and also provides the percentage of inactive items among all products. In this example, it is 1%.
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