Note: Personalization Settings have been redesigned. What you see below is available for early access, so it may not match your current user interface.
To get support for the current personalization settings, go here.
To get access to the new settings, reach out to your customer success manager.
You can view a demo of the settings here.
You can find all cross-sell rules on this tab. This table offers multiple options at the top right:
- Import CSV = Click this button to import a CSV file containing seed products to apply to Similar Product Rules.
- Export CSV = Click this button to export a CSV file of the seed products already defined in Similar Product Rules.
- Delete All (Available to Searchspring admins only) = Click this button to delete all seed products listed under Similar Product Rules.
- New Rule button = Click this button to add a new rule to the seed products listed under Similar Product Rules.
- Search field = Click within this field and key in a value, then press <Enter> or click the magnifying glass icon to search among the rules defined here.
Category Rules
Use these rules to curate the types of categories that should be recommended based on what the shopper is viewing. Category rules apply to Cross-Sell and Cart-Cross-Sell profiles.
Within the table, the following data is displayed:
- Seed Category = The base category upon which the similarities are based
- Pinned Categories = The categories that are given priority over other categories. Pinned categories will always take priority over items defined in boost rules, IntelliSuggest elevations, and relevancy.
- Blocked Categories = Categories that are prevented from appearing in recommendations.
- Actions = Users may edit or delete the selected seed category using the Edit and Delete icons.
Click the Edit icon to edit a rule.
Within this pop-up window, you may edit an existing rule, add other categories to the existing rule (scroll to the right to see more empty spaces for additional categories), and modify the categories selected in the drop-down menu.
Brand Rules
Use these rules to curate the types of products that should be recommended based on what the shopper is viewing. These Brand rules apply to Cross-Sell and Cart-Cross-Sell profiles, and they also apply to Similar recommendation profiles. Blocked brands are global rules and can be found on the Global Rules tab.
Within the table, the following data is displayed:
- Seed Brand = The base brand upon which the similarities are based
- Pinned Brands = The brands that are given priority over other categories. Pinned categories will always take priority over items defined in boost rules, IntelliSuggest elevations, and relevancy.
- Actions = Users may edit or delete the selected seed product using the Edit and Delete icons.
Click the Edit icon to edit a rule.
Within this pop-up window, you may edit an existing rule, add other similar brands to the existing rule (scroll to the right to see more empty spaces for additional brands), and modify the brands selected in the drop-down menu.
Cross-sell Product Rules
Use these rules to curate the specific products that should be recommended based on what the shopper is viewing. Cross-Sell Product rules apply to Cross-Sell and Cart-Cross-Sell profiles.
Within the table, the following data is displayed:
- Seed Product = The base product upon which the similarities are based
- Pinned Products = The products that are given priority over other products. Pinned products will always take priority over items defined in boost rules, IntelliSuggest elevations, and relevancy.
- Blocked Products = Products that are prevented from appearing in recommendations.
- Actions = Users may edit or delete the selected seed product using the Edit and Delete icons.
Click the Edit icon to edit a rule.
Within this pop-up window, you may edit an existing rule, add other cross-sell products to the existing rule (scroll to the right to see more empty spaces for additional products), and modify the items selected in the drop-down menu.
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