This is in reference to Searchspring's advanced Segmented Merchandising feature.
Currently, Searchspring does not yet offer direct reporting to reflect segmentation in merchandising. If you would like to track the performance between the different segments you are merchandising, you can easily do so by sending your segment tags to Google Analytics at the same time you send them to Searchspring.
Step 1. Sending the event to Google Analytics
Sending an event to Google Analytics is a very simple one line of code. Below you can see examples of how we suggest you send the segment tag alongside different implementation options. The examples listed here are for a manually-setup A/B test, but can be used in many ways.
Example with a v3 Integration:
<script src="//" tag='[ "merch.segment/YOURTAGHERE" ]'></script>
ga('send', 'event', 'ABTESTNAME', 'YOURTAGHERE', {'nonInteraction': 1});
Example with an API Integration:
ga('send', 'event', 'ABTESTNAME', 'YOURTAGHERE', {'nonInteraction': 1});
Sometimes your GA tracking instance will be named something specific that you will need to append before the "send" text. To help find this, we suggest using a debugging tool such as Google Analytics Debugger to help find the correct instance name on your store.
Once you have found it, simply prepend it with a dot before the "send" parameter like so:
ga('gtm22.send', 'event', 'ABTESTNAME', 'YOURTAGHERE', {'nonInteraction': 1});
Step 2. Setting up your segments within Google Analytics
Once you are sending these custom events to your Google Analytics account, you can set up your reports. Begin by going to any report - we suggest Behavior → Events → Overview, as we'll be digging deeper into this section for the final report.
Then, select "Add Segment" above the graph.
In the section that opens, click the red "New Segment" button.
To define your segment, first go to the "Conditions" tab underneath Advanced.
Set up a filter by filtering where Sessions Include:
- Event Category exactly matches <your test name from above>
- AND Event Action exactly matches <one of the tags you are sending>
Once those are set, be sure to name your Google Analytics segment something familiar, and click Save.
You will want to make a new Google Analytics segment for each segment you are using in Searchspring's Segment Merchandising.
Once your segments have been set up, you can divide them in any report you'd like. We suggest going to Behavior → Events → Top Events, and then selecting the "Ecommerce" option under Explorer just under the list of segments.
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