This page is a part of Searchspring's Personalized Recommendations product offering.
Create New Profile
On the Profile List page, use the "Add New Profile" button to create a new profile.
Page Placement
Choose where you intend to place this profile on your store. This will be a helpful reference for you, and will also determine the types of recommendations that will be available to you.
Recommendations Type
Choose the type of recommendation you wish to use for this profile. The selected type will determine the logic used when generating recommendations for your site.
When selecting a recommendation type, think about how you want shoppers to behave when viewing these recommendations: do you want to upsell them to a similar product from your house brand? Do you want to recommend complementary products that are regularly bought with the products they have in their cart? A detailed list of supported recommendations types can be found below.
For Trending recommendations, you have the choice of site-wide, category, or brand.
Supported Recommendations Types
- Cross-Sell recommendations are products that a shopper is likely to buy in addition to the product that they’re currently viewing.
- Cart Cross-Sell recommendations are products that are complementary to the products in the shoppers' cart.
What’s the difference between Cross-Sell and Cart Cross-Sell? Cross-Sell is used on a Product Detail Page, in order to recommend products that go well with one product - the product that the shopper is viewing. Cart Cross-Sell recommends products that go well with multiple products, which is valuable for basket pages.
- Similar recommendations are products that a shopper should consider buying as an alternative to the product they’re currently viewing. Similar recommendations can be configured to promote products that are at higher prices using the Upsell Filter in your Recommendations Settings.
- Personal recommendations are products that a specific shopper is likely to purchase based on their order history (if available) as well as products they’ve viewed during their session on the site.
- Session recommendations are products that a specific shopper is likely to purchase based specifically on their most recently viewed products. As with the Similar recommendation type, the recommended products will be alternatives to the shopper’s most recently viewed products.
If the shopper is brand new to the site, Personal and Session recommendations will fall back to Trending recommendations until there has been enough activity to generate personalized recommendations based on their behavior.
- Recently Viewed recommendations will show the most recent products viewed by the shopper.
- Trending recommendations are top-selling products across a rolling window of time. This recommendation type supports either site-wide trending or trending within a category or brand.
- Custom recommendations are a fully curated product set using filters and boosts that you can manually configure depending on your specific use case. When you choose the "Custom" option, you will need to select between a static or dynamic custom profile. Note: Custom recommendations are not based on shopper behavior and will not be personalized.
Once you have selected the placement and the recommendations type, you will be taken to the Edit Profile page with a brand new profile.
How many recommendations are returned?
All recommendation profiles will return up to 20 results by default. Depending on the type of recommendation profile you create, and the template you select for that profile, you may be able to modify this limit. For instance, site-wide trending profiles can return up to 80 recommendations, category and brand trending profiles can return up to 40 recommendations per category or brand in the request.
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