The first thing you see when going to Visual Merchandising is a page to navigate all campaigns on your site. Here you can organize all your campaigns, see what they're doing, go to edit existing campaigns, and make new ones.
See all of your campaigns
This campaign list table ("All Campaigns") shows you the list of campaigns you currently have.
Quickly search for a campaign
You can easily find a campaign by searching at the top right. You can search by Name or Context content. (eg: "fall sale" or "category_hierarchy: shoes")
Move or delete multiple campaigns
Use the checkboxes on the left to delete or move multiple campaigns at once to a folder.
Campaign name
This helps you identify what the campaign is - it's just an internal name that won't appear on your site, so name it whatever you want!
The context of where on your site the campaign is targeting.
- Search: The campaign affects specific search result page(s)
- Search Contains: The campaign affects any search result page that contains a specific word or phrase
- Category: The campaign affects category page(s)
- Mixed: The campaign affects a mix of search result and category pages, or other applied filters
- Landing Page: The campaign is a custom-made product listing page from scratch. Read more »
Campaigns can be set up to happen in more than one scenario. The Context column tells you how many scenarios it occurs in, and hovering over the number tells you what those scenarios are.
See what your campaigns are doing
The Filters, Banner, and Boosts columns give you a high-level view of how campaigns are affecting your site.
- If the Filters icon is blue, the campaign is changing what filters would normally appear.
- If the Banner icon is blue, the campaign is showing banner content on that page.
- If the Boosts icon is blue, the campaign is dynamically boosting products based on their properties
See when your campaign is active
The Start and End columns show you the date your campaign is set to start and end. Sorting these columns can be highly useful.
Find which campaigns are fresh and stale
The Last Updated column identifies the last time a campaign was updated. Campaigns that haven't been updated in a long time might need some attention. Recently updated campaigns can help you find where you left off on your recent changes.
Note: Anything updated before Jan 22, 2018 will be marked as "Unknown".
Make changes across your entire site
The Global Campaign has many of the same features as any other campaign, but the tools will now take affect as a default across your entire site.
Read more about how to use the global campaign here »
Organize and focus your campaigns
The Folders to the left help you keep your campaigns organized, and focus only on what you need to. You could create folders by store department, merchandising employee, seasons, sales, product types, store sections, or anything else.
Create a New Folder
You can add new folders using the "New Folder" button at the bottom of the folders list.
Rename Folder
You can rename a folder at any time by clicking the ellipses to an existing folder's right and clicking "Rename Folder. Hit enter or click away from it when you're done. You can also delete a folder here, and all campaigns inside of it will be moved to "Uncategorized".
Move campaigns to a folder
Any number of campaigns can be moved to a folder by selecting checkboxes for them, then clicking "Move to" at the top of the table and selecting which folder to move to. You can search folder names here as well to quickly find which folder you're looking for.
View a Folder
To view all campaigns in a folder, simply click the folder name. The title above the campaigns table will also let you know which folder you're in.
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