Setting Up Your Store's Data with Searchspring:
1. Prepare | » | 2. Connect | » | 3. Fields | » | 4. Settings | » | 5. Tracking |
In order to properly index your data feed, we need to know how your data is configured. We do our best to make guesses based upon the contents of the data, but you should review these on the Field Settings page.
The Field column displays the name of the field that Searchspring gets from the data feed. In addition to showing fields from the data feed, custom fields created through Product Filters are listed here as well. It is a good idea to name custom fields uniquely so they stand out from what is in the data feed.
If you have added a new field to your data and it's not showing, please read this article on How to Add a New Field.
The label is the public-facing name for this field. It is how this field will appear to shoppers on your store. If it appears as a Filter, in a product listing, or on a product detail page, this is the name it will display. Be sure this name is easy to read and understandable.
Setting a Type determines how data will be interpreted.
- Ignore - The value is ignored.
- Text - The value is treated as text.
- Text (Strip HTML) - The searchable data has the HTML removed so that customers searching for things like "span" won't find irrelevant products.
- Note: This does not strip HTML from displaying on the front end of your site when this field is used.
- Code (SKU, MPN, etc.) - If something is set to Code, values will be partially searched.
- Whole Number - The value is treated as an integer (2, 4, 6, 8, etc.).
- Decimal Number - The value is treated as an integer (2.25, 4.50, 6.75, 8.25, etc.).
If your field can have multiple values in it, you can set how those values are separated by choosing a delimiter in this column.
Example: Your "Color" data may be formatted like so:
Blue, Black, Red, Yellow
If "Color" was selected as a filter and did not have a comma (,) set as the delimiter, "Blue, Black, Red, Yellow" would display as a filter option rather than "Blue", "Black", "Red", and "Yellow" each as separate options.
The Display checkbox determines whether or not the field is available for use in item templates. Fields that are set as Core Fields do not need to be marked for display in Field Settings as they are already available.
The Sort checkbox is currently deprecated and no longer in use. In the past, this checkbox controlled which fields could be used for sorting. Now, sorting options are easily added and removed through Fields > Sorting in SMC. More about sorting can be read here.
If you're using Searchspring's AJAX Display / Hosted Display pages, this is where you can enable fields as sortable to be configured there.
To add or remove a field as a Filter, use the Filter checkbox. For more information on filters and their settings in Searchspring, please read our article on Filtering.
If you are utilizing Searchspring's Compare feature, this checkbox enables the display of fields in the product comparison window. (AJAX only)
Checking the Search box enables a field to be searched. This setting is important to review as checked fields are included in our search index. It is recommended to have things like "Name", "SKU", "Category" or "Brand" marked as search. Other fields that contain a lot of information, such as "Description", may be unhelpful as they generally have a lot of content and may skew the user's search results.
Display in Recs
Fields marked as Display in Recs will be returned in the API response for Searchspring's next generation Personalized Recommendations (coming soon).

$ (Sensitive Data)
Fields marked as sensitive will be hidden from non-analyst users in areas such as Search Preview.
Note: While the field designation can be set, the functionality to hide the fields from non-analyst users is not yet complete.

To save your field setting changes, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
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